In our Yoga practice, I believe we should focus on the classic yoga asanas (postures) and understand how we can honour our own individual bodies in the way we practise. We are all built differently, so what is possible for one body shape, size or proportions, may not be possible for another. Improved flexibility, strength and stamina are mental and physical benefits that we can all achieve with regular practice. However, awareness of our needs (plus those of our students), our possibilities and safe methods of practice at any particular time is paramount to really experiencing the joy and art of Yoga. It is more important to focus on how we feel in an asana, body, breath and mind, rather than how it looks. Asana translates as ‘posture’ from the Sanskrit root ‘as’ meaning to sit or to stay. The Yoga Sutras describe an asana as having two important qualities: sthira (steadiness and alertness) and sukha ( comfort and lightness). If doing a certain asana causes us to feel some tension in the body, we should practise something simpler. When we practise asanas progressively, we gradually feel more steadiness, alertness plus a state of ease. We need to accept ourselves as we are and move forwards from there. Yoga involves the breath and our quality of breathing expresses our inner feelings and state of mind. Yoga asanas are therefore done with complete attention to body and breath.
B.K.S.Iyengar was a teacher who showed us how to practise with complete attention and awareness of our selves. He was the first teacher to advocate the use of Yoga equipment /props: belts, blocks, bricks, bolsters, wall ropes and even larger pieces of equipment that he designed to help students who are stiff or hyper mobile, as well as those with severe physical disabilities. This method of working in the asanas enables complete attention to alignment and safe practice, even at a cellular level. The body learns how to open and receive the pranic energy, thus allowing real-life enhancing development, as it flows through us.
This work is suitable for new students and those who have been practising for some time. All ages and abilities and it is relevant to all styles of Yoga practice.